Inspired by Art Deco.
For the 2020 winter shoot, Kaai was given the unique opportunity to shoot in the Van Buuren museum. This was a special experience, as the museum used to belong to the Brussels patrons David and Alice van Buuren. The couple completely furnished the house themselves with beautiful art, tapestries, furniture and so much more.
The Van Buuren Museum
The Van Buuren Museum in Brussels is an Art-Deco building that suffices with impressive paintings by famous artists from the 19th century to the 20th century.
Around the house you will also find a beautiful garden with beautiful roses and cozy spots. Furthermore, you will find the Labyrinth or the romantic secret garden of the heart of René Pechère.
The famous paintings, sculptures and furniture
In the museum you will find numerous famous paintings such as; "The Children's Table, 1919", "Still Life: The White Coffee Jug, 1928", "The Shepherd, 1910", and so much more.
You will also find beautiful sculptures such as the "Spirit of fire" by Dolf Ledel, large stained glass windows, vases, carpets, lamps, etc...
The romantic secret garden
The museum includes the beautiful garden of Jules Buyssens and René Pechère, which consists of 6 parts; the Picturesque Garden, the Rose Garden, the Great Rose Garden, the Labyrinth, the Garden of the Heart and the Orchard.
In 2004, the garden was awarded a monument and in 2012 it was completely restored to its original state. Highly recommended for someone who loves nature!