Klaartje Busselot colors Belgian designers for the week of Belgian fashion
For the week of Belgian fashion, Kaai and 6 other Belgian brands are highlighted in a fun and creative way. Not only with an extensive article in the Knack but also with a super cool illustration of the famous Klaartje Busselot.
Who is Klaartje Busselot?
Klaartje is a Belgian designer & illustrator who started her own design studio Kiiv 3 years ago. Since she has an enormous passion for shapes and colors, she uses every day all her skills from painting and illustrating to designing interior and fashion objects.
Klaartje creates colorful graphic designs that take you back to the 80's, as well as that graphic element can be found in her spectacular illustrations.
Klaartje colors Belgian
"Klaartje colors Belgian", is a brand new illustration project in which Klaartje draws 7 fantastic Belgian fashion labels in the spotlight for 7 days! These labels are of course Kaai, Johny Helder, Mieke Dierckx, Cos I said so, Recto Verso & Collectors Club.
Because she has a heart for Belgian labels and she wants to give them the visibility they deserve, Klaartje went looking for a 'partner in crime' and Knack Weekend is going to give these labels the stage they deserve!
Don't hesitate to read the interview with the 2 founders of Kaai in Knack Weekend!
The illustration is also for sale on her website for the benefit of Think Pink.