Find the perfect laptop bag with our laptop bible.
For women on the go, a good laptop bag is an important accessory. A work bag that's practical, stylish and durable: perfect to take anywhere. Don't look any further: at Kaai we have a wide range of laptop bags for every laptop size. But are you not sure if your laptop will fit inside your favourite Kaai bag? We created a solution: the laptop bible. With this tool you can easily check which Kaai bag best suits your laptop.
Maybe I should quickly introduce myself: my name is Sofie, I'm 22 years old and I'm a digital marketing intern at Kaai where I work on the website, social media and many other facets of the digital world of Kaai.
At Kaai we're always looking for ways to make the online shopping experience as pleasant and simple as possible. A problem that we regularly come across is people who are unsure if their laptop will fit their favourite bag. As we often get questions about this in our Studio Store and in our webshop.
It's difficult to find the right laptop bag
And we get it, it's not easy. On our webshop we mention with every workbag if it fits a 11, 13,3 or 15 inch laptop. But this information is inadequate because this number is used to indicate the screen size and not the entire width of your laptop. For example: two 13 Inch laptops can differ in size. And that's confusing.
So... A fun challenge to try solve this problem!
The laptop bible
After an intense brainstorming session, the idea of a laptop bible was born: a tool where you can quickly discover which Kaai bags fit your laptop via two options. You can either choose to look up the brand and model of your laptop in our lists. Or a second option is to measure your laptop and discover the right Kaai bags with our conversion table.
Is it not totally clear? Watch this tutorial to see how to use the laptop bible.